Thursday, February 10, 2011

I Need Some Help

     I can’t do it!!! I always have an awesome three weeks of working out before crashing miserably and not feeling like doing anything once that fourth week rolls around. I quit my team and got bored with my workout routine. I just don’t think I have the discipline to be consistent with this. What do I do??
     Two things are very important for maintaining a routine or sticking with a workout plan in college. The first recommendation I have to offer is to find someone to hold you accountable to your pursuit of fitness. Obviously, if you choose someone that already seems very self-motivated and has shown consistency in their own training, you are more likely to be motivated by them to push yourself a bit more. On the contrary, if you choose someone who has even less interest in working out than you do, you might not even make it to that third week. Having someone to keep you on your toes with your exercise and providing a positive example for you certainly cannot hurt. Seeing someone who is also in college just like you and has found a way to stay consistently motivated can certainly be very encouraging. Find someone to go with you and struggle alongside you as you jump back into your glory days and out of your college athletic slump.
      But I don’t like working out with other people!!! You don’t like working out by yourself either, so stop whining and find a training partner.
      The second recommendation I have is to come up with a very distinct goal in your workout plan.
      Thank you, Captain Obvious.
      You can call me Brad, and yes it does seem blatantly obvious that you should have a goal. However, many people come up with very vague goals, and some will not even form one at all. “My goal is to work out more this winter quarter than I did last quarter.” “I want a better body.” “I want to be more active.” Good things to work towards for college kids, but terrible goals.

     Think about these.  “I will attend seven out of the eight intramural soccer games this quarter.” “I will swim at the pool at least once a week and for at least five hundred yards each time.” “I will run twice a week and always total a minimum of six miles for the week.” Goals remind us of what we should be doing and give us a sense of accomplishment as we fulfill them. When we feel this, we are further driven to continue chasing the goal, or maybe setting new and better goals. College is filled with distractions, and it is vital to find ways to push beyond those on a weekly basis. So write down a goal or two, and think about someone who might be good at kicking you in the butt when you don’t feel like keeping that goal.
    Escaping from your athletic slump here in college is possible, but you must be pro-active in seeking ways to make that escape happen.

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